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In addition to commands, steps can be added to a Flow to switch the device into enable (user-exec) or configure mode, and no more than one of these can be added to a flow.


Due to the fact that a flow can be assigned to devices via a vendor, device type or tagTag, there can potentially be a situation where situations when more than one "backup flowBackup Flow" is assigned to a single device. In this situation, the system resolves the conflict by executing the default commands Flow built in the Unimus Device Driver. To check if there is a conflict on a deviceDevice, you can navigate from the selected device to Device Information > Backup Flowto the Devices screen, select the device, click Info > Backup Flows, where a table displays all the flows Flows to which the device is assigned to.

More information

You can find more information on Custom Backup flows, with examples in this Blog article: