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Coming soon in 2.6.0-Beta1.New functionality is available in the device view, enabling users to open a command line interface (CLI) to any device stored in Unimus. A successful discovery process is a prerequisite for CLI access to a device.
During the connection, Unimus will use the credentials stored based on the user’s configuration. 

(Click for full resolution)

If the device supports only SSH or Telnet, the system will automatically detect and establish the correct protocol. However, if both protocols are supported, manual selection is required.

Please note, the following actions will terminate any active sessions between the device and Unimus established per CLI:

  • Browser closure
  • Browser tab closure
  • Clicking disconnect button followed by confirmation
  • Commands executed by the user
  • Application log out
  • Loss of access to the device (due to role changes or restrictions applied via "Object Access Policies")
  • IDLE timeout configured on the device