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Network scan is a tool for discovering devices on supplied subnets. It checks in the network.

Unimus will ping (ICMP) all IPs in the list of provided subnets / address ranges, and check whether service(s) defined in the enabled Default Connectors (SSH and/or Telnet) are available on reachable devices.

It's possible to scan devices in a specific zoneZone, and devices discovered by such a scan can will be imported into this zone in Unimus (if automatic device creation is enabled).
Remote Cores are fully supported, and if a Zone utilizes a Remote Core, it will be used for scanning.

Scan Presets

To set up a Network scan, you need to create a Preset. In the Preset, you specify subnets and/or address ranges to scan, select the Zone for this scan, and (optionally) set up a scheduled execution.schedule when the scan should run.

To select which addresses should be scanned, you have multiple input options:

Code Block
# Supported input formats:

"To exclude a specific subnet or address from the scan, use the '-' (minus sign), e.g., "-". " (meaning these address will not be scanned)"If the zone

Scans and Zones

As mentioned previously, Scan Presets are assigned to a Zone. If the selected Zone utilizes a Remote Core, it will be used for scanning.

If the Zone assigned to a specific preset Preset is deleted and the devices are migrated to a new zoneZone during Zone deletion, the new zone Zone is assigned to those presets all Scan Presets that belonged to the previous Zone as well.
When a zone Zone is deleted along with all its devices, the default zone Default Zone is automatically assigned to any existing presets."