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Unimus supports internal and external user authentication. Radius and LDAP are currently supported for external authentication (see below for more details).

  • For more information on how Unimus handles system access (logins), please see this article: System login


  • For information on individual account settings and MFA you can check the following article: User accounts

Local user database management

Local system users can be managed in "User management > Local usersUsers". You can create and/or remove local user accounts here.


In addition to RBAC, Unimus also allows for limiting access of specific accounts to only selected devices objects in the system (for example, limit junior admins to only see specific switches in Unimus).
For more information please see this article: Device access restrictions Object Access Policies

External Auth / AAA

Unimus supports full external AAA with Radius, and / or external auth with LDAP.
