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You can change the port your Unimus server runs on.
You can also change the server bind-address if neccessary.

On Windows:

For installer:
Create a file named Unimus.l4j.ini in 'C:\Program Files\Unimus\'.By default, Unimus bind to all IP addresses on all adapters.
Default port is 8085 (or configured Tomcat port if running in Tomcat).

On Windows:

For portable:
Create a file named Unimus.l4j.ini in the same directory as the Unimus executable.
Change Unimus in the above file name to exactly match the name of the Unimus executable.

For installer:
Add the below lines to Unimus.l4j.ini in 'C:\Program Files\Unimus\'.

Inside of this configuration file, please place add the following lines:

Code Block


Edit the contents of /etc/default/unimus.If the file doesn't exist, simply create it.

Insert Add this into the file:

Code Block
--serverDserver.address=<your_ip> --serverDserver.port=<port>

Insert proper values behind each configuration argument.
