By default, Unimus uses 10 second timeouts for SSH / Telnet connections.
This means that if your device takes longer than this to establish an SSH session, Unimus will not connect to it.

For device interaction, Unimus has a 15 second timeout on each command it issues to the device.
For example, if the device does takes longer than 15 seconds to respond to a 'show version' command, Unimus will consider this a timeout.

For backups, this however works differently.
Many devices output backups in 'paged' format.
Each page therefore has its own 15 second timeout.

For devices that do not output backups using paging, Unimus uses a 60 second timeout.
So for devices without paging, they need to output their backup contents under 60 seconds, or Unimus considers the backup operation failed.

All of these values can be adjusted.

On Windows:

For installer:
Create a file named Unimus.l4j.ini in 'C:\Program Files\Unimus\'.

For portable:
Create a file named Unimus.l4j.ini in the same directory as the Unimus executable.
Change Unimus in the above file name to exactly match the name of the Unimus executable.

Inside of this configuration file, please place the following lines:


Please make sure to place each argument into its own line.
Insert proper values behind each configuration argument (in milliseconds).

Restart Unimus to apply the new timeouts.

On Linux (Debian/Ubuntu):

Edit the contents of /etc/default/unimus.
If the file doesn't exist, simply create it.

Insert this into the file:

-Dunimus.core.connect-timeout=20000 -Dunimus.core.cli-expect-timeout=20000 -Dunimus.core.max-backup-timeout=120000

Insert proper values behind each configuration argument (in milliseconds).

Restart Unimus to apply the new timeouts.