Install Java

Before running Core, you will need to install Java.
Unimus Core is written in Java, and requires a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) to run.

How to install Java depends on your particular OS / distro.
However, please make sure you install Java 8 or 11 (as mentioned above, JRE is sufficient, Unimus does not need the JDK).

Download Unimus Core

Unimus Core is available as a platform-independent .jar distribution.

Download link:

The .jar binary is a standard Java application package.
You can run it on any OS / distro / architecture that support Java.

This could be considered a portable (standalone) deployment - you simply run Unimus and it will work.
There is nothing to install, Unimus will not install itself as a service, it will only run when you launch it yourself.

Running Unimus Core using the .jar

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Before running the Core, you will need to create the config file manually.

Please create the file in: /etc/unimus-core/


After the config file is in place, you can run the .jar file directly. Open a terminal, and run:
java -jar unimus.jar

You should see the Core outputting its startup sequence into the terminal (stdout).
The Core should start, and you should see your Core online in Unimus.