Since version 1.5.0, Unimus offers an API for integration with 3rd party applications.

The Unimus API is a JSON based RESTfull API.
It utilizes common HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE in order to identify actions you want to perform.


If you want to see the full API documentation, it's available here:
APIv3:APIv2: Full APIv2 documentation

We also have curl examples for APIv2, which you can use for fast integration here:
APIv2 curl examples

For APIv3, curl commands are offered directly by the Swagger docs:


Supported API versions by Unimus version

Latest versions of Unimus support both our APIv3 and APIv2.

Unimus 2.2.0 or newerX
Unimus 1.9.0 - 2.2.0XX
Unimus 1.5.0 - 1.9.0XX