Due to many possible reasons, the server / VM you want to deploy Unimus on might require using a HTTP(S) proxy for outbound internet connectivity.

Since our Linux Unimus installer pulls all the latest resources (binaries, init/unit file, etc.) from the Internet, we support running the installer behind proxies.

Using environment variables to configure proxying

The simplest way to configure the Linux installer to use a proxy is to set the standard "http_proxy" and / or "https_proxy" environment variables:

export http_proxy="http://some_proxy_address/"
export https_proxy="https://some_proxy_address2/"

You can optionally also specify login credentials to the proxy, or a specific port the proxy is running on:

export http_proxy="http://user:pwd@some_proxy_address:8080/"
export https_proxy="https://user:pwd@some_proxy_address2:8443/"

Aliasing curl with a proxy configuration

If you do not wish to use an environment variable to configure proxying, another option is to alias the curl command which the installers use with your proxy configuration:

alias curl="curl -x some_proxy_address"

You can also provide additional proxy configuration:

 alias curl="curl -x user:pwd@some_proxy_address:8080"

Using the .curlrc file

Yes another option is to configure a ~/.curlrc file:

vim ~/.curlrc

proxy = some_proxy_address:proxy_port