Ownership is a parameter which can be found on devices, tags & zones and represents an information about the account by which was the corresponding object created. After the creation of one of the previously mentioned objects ownership is always set automatically. Ownership is set during manual object creation as well as during imports triggered directly in UI (scheduled imports create devices with Owner: None)

Information about ownership is visible and manageable only by Admin role. Please be aware, that ownership may have influence on the accessibility to various objects, because it has higher priority in comparison to access policies. Meaning that even if the access policy is set to ‘No object policies’ user can still see the objects of which they are the owner.

If you would like to make sure that all existing objects for the specific user behave only based on Access policies, there is an option to remove the ownership from all the objects which belong to this user. It can be found in User Management screen in “Show object ownership” (accessible only for Admin role).