Interactive regex tutorial
If you want to dedicate a bit of time to learn regex, we recommend using this interactive regex tutorial:
Alternatively, check to the right for a regex cheat-sheet and below for some quick regex examples.
Regex search examples
Find any vlan with IDs 1020 or 1030:
vlan (1020|1030)
Find any vlan in the 10xx range:
vlan 10\d{2}
Find any router with OSPF router-id in
Make search case insensitive (will find 'VLAN 1002' or 'vlan 1002')
(?i)vlan 1002
Find all lines that start with 'hello' or 'helo' (multiple examples)
Find all lines that end with 'set', ignoring any trailing spaces
Case-insensitive search for all lines starting with 'no' or 'deny', ignoring leading spaces
Regex cheat-sheet
Token | Description |
. | any single character |
\d | any number |
\h | any horizontal white-space (space, tab, etc.) |
Token | Description |
? | one or zero times |
* | any number of times (even zero - zero or more times) |
+ | at least once (one or more times) |
{2} | repeats 2 times |
{2,4} | repeats 2 to 4 times |
\ | escape character for example '\+' will look for a literal '+' sign |
Token | Description |
[abc] | any of the characters inside ('a' or 'b' or 'c') |
[a-z] | any of the characters inside the range (a through z) |
| | or |
() | group - for example '(foo|bar)' - 'foo' or 'bar' |
\ | escape character for example '\(' will look for a literal '(' character |
Token | Description |
^ | start of text if used with 'm' modifier - start of line |
$ | end of text |
Behavior modifiers (flags):
Modifier | Description |
(?i) | Case insensitive |
(?m) | '^' and '$' anchors work per-line instead of on the whole text |