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If proxying is required for HTTP(S) connectivity in your environment, please see this article for help.

Unimus doesn't properly display special characters

In some cases, you might see that Unimus doesn't properly show special / national characters (they are shown as a question mark).

This can be solved by properly setting the DB charset / collation:

  1. Shut down Unimus
  2. Set DB collation to UTF8mb4 and charset to UTF8mb4_unicode_cs
  3. Start Unimus

After setting tables in the DB to this, any new special characters written to the DB should be displayed properly.
(this will not change data already existing in the DB)

MySQL DB initialization fails with "Specified key was too long" errors

When finishing the Deployment Wizard, you might see an error saying "Unable to upgrade database" when using a MySQL DB.

Some On some older versions of MySQL default to using the "utf8mb4" charset, which the DB only support VARCHARs of max size 191.
Unimus requires multiple DB columns to be VARCHAR(255).


The correct timezone needs to be set in 2 places. You can check using:


Code Block
cat /etc/timezone


Both outputs should show correct timezone.

If one (or both) are not correct, here is how to fix this:
(please substitute your actual TZ in the echo command)

Code Block
systemctl stop unimus
echo "Europe/Rome" | sudo tee /etc/timezone
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
systemctl start unimus
