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Tags serve as a way to "group" devices in Unimus. A single device can be tagged with multiple tags, from multiple sources.

Tags can then be used for:

Tags can be applied to devices from:

  • manually applied to multiple devices in the Tags screen
  • manually applied to individual devices in the Devices screen
  • applied to all devices of a Zone in the Zones screen

Assigning tags to devices

  • We can create as many tags as needed using the 'Add' button in the 'Tags' table.

  • After a tag is created, we can tag devices with this tag using the 'Tag devices' table.
     Selecting a tag and pressing "Un-tag devices" will allow us to remove devices from this tag.
     (if an account is already access-limited by tags, they can only Tag/Untag devices with tags they have access to)

  • On the 'Devices' view, you can also see a click able Tag icon which allows for tagging/untagging devices.

Tagging devices from Zones

  • Zones can add tags to all devices that belong to the Zone.
     To use this, simply add a tag to a zone in the 'Zones' view, and all devices in that zone will be tagged with the selected tag(s)

Assigning tags to access policies

  • Tags can be assigned to existing access policies which can be further assigned to the user account which allow to grand or limit an access only to objects which are using particular tags. More information can be found in Object Access Policies

Deleting Tags

Since Tags can be used for many purposes across Unimus, deleting a Tag can have severe consequences:

  • Removing a Tag which is used by Object access policies will cause a change in the access visibility for the affected account(s).
    This can cause an account to lose access to devices, or gain access to the entire system if this Tag was the last Tag for the account.
  • If the Tag was used as a Config Push target, it will be removed from all the Config Push presets that used it.
    Devices which were brought into the targets from the Tag will no longer be present in the relevant push presets.
  • If the Tag was used for Backups Filters, the Backup Filter will not be deleted, but will no longer apply to devices that used to be tagged with the Tag (same applies for Backup Flows)
  • Per-Tag Connector settings belonging to the Tag will be deleted.
    This will cause the affected devices to use the default connectors.
  • Sensitive Data Stripping policies associated with the Tag will be deleted.
  • No labels